Wednesday, August 21, 2024

'Celeberating the World Bikini Day on July 5' by K.J.S.Chatrath

I took this photo a few years back while walking around in Paris.

Non, non, non (In French a 'no' is a 'non'). 'Brasserie' is not the thing worn by ladies for upliftment. That is 'brassiere'. Yes you guessed it right- a French invention. Herminie Cadolle of France is believed to have invented the first modern bra in 1889.

'Brasserie' in French, literally means a 'brewery'. The origin of the word probably stems from the fact that beer was brewed on the premises rather than brought in: thus an inn would brew its own beer as well as supply food and invariably accommodation too. Now a days it denotes a French informal restaurant.

Learning French made easy? No? I mean 'Non'?

"Lives there a man With soul so dead, Who never to himself has said What is a bra? A wonder aid!" (With sincere apologies to Sir Walter Scott) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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