Fireworks at Eiffel Tower, Photo source: Wikipedia
I have just come across a scathing article ‘Vive l’indifférence: Can Paris rehabilitate its reputation for rudeness?’ by Sarah Trelevan. You may like to read it by clicking at the following link:
Is it appropriate to refer to this critical article in a blog which is called ‘Francophiles Only”? Well, I totally disagree with all that this article says. I have never faced any problem during my stay and visits to France. In fact I did have some isolated, mild, not so pleasant experiences in the USA, UK and some parts of the Eurozone- including the much in news Greece, but never in France.
The only sentence of this long article with which I agree is the last one: “But there are other things about my life in France that are much more genuine and less transactional. It’s not all about someone smiling at you for money.”
One might ask if it is polite to refer to such an article on the 14th of July- la Jour de la Fete de la Republique? I personally feel it is a good day to know the differing viewpoints and to do a bit of self introspection by the French. After all it was a venerable French gentleman- Voltaire- who said that "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
To know how Paris is celeberating the day click at the following link:
Vive la Republique Francaise.