Saturday, June 4, 2016

'Les Dimanches Kejriwal a Paris?' - by K.J.S.Chatrath

Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Delhi. 

In order to control pollution, Government of Delhi enforced an odd-even numbers scheme under which vehicles with odd numbers at the end were not allowed to ply on the roads of Delhi on odd days of the month and even number of vehicles ending with even numbers, on even numbered dates of the month.  A good deal of publicity ensued. Some supported the scheme while others criticized it. 

Now the news is that Paris in  France is going to follow a some what similar scheme ( and ban plying of cars on Sundays.

It is also being gossiped that the French Government is considering calling it 'Les Dimanches Kejriwal a Paris?' meaning 'Kejriwal Sundays in Paris' to honour Mr. Kejriwal's initiative. (Blague!- Joke!)

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Thursday, June 2, 2016

'French railways employees on strike- news' - by K.J.S.Chatrath

French railways employees on strike- news

Bon, ban. Mais c'es normal en ete', n'est-ce pas? (Oh...But that is normal in summers, is it not?)

Bon courage et bon chance, Messieures, Dames! (Have courage and good luck, ladies & gentlemen!)

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