Monday, May 20, 2024

'A Glance at France' - by K J S Chatrath



‘A Glance at France’ – by KJS Chatrath.

Indian Publishers Distributors, New Delhi.

Pages 323. Rs 495.

Whenever one talks of France, one conjures up images of the Eiffel Tower, the Riveira, the Cannes films festival, the high fashion, Parisian society and, of course, the various avant-garde literary, cultural, social and political movements. In certain circles it is considered a must to mix French words in your conversation in order to be accepted in the charmed company of socialites and sophists.

Chatrath has written a curious book. You can't call it an encyclopedia, a dictionary or a tourist guide. Yet it contains nuggets of information about French history, polity, culture, etc. However, it would have been much better if the author had given detailed accounts of the different aspects of France.

This book contains seeds for several books. One can elaborate on, say, the French literature and come up with an absorbing and informative tome. A bit of disciplined toil is required for such ventures.

Perhaps some budding intellectual might find it useful as a reference book of ideas.

The Tribune, Chandigarh, August 29, 1999.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

'Book Review in The Hindu , May 26, 1998' - shared by K J S Chatrath